1How are Multifocal IOLs different from Monofocal IOLs?
Monofocal IOLs focus at only one distance, meaning that you will likely need glasses following surgery either for distance or near, and sometimes for both. The Multifocal IOL differs from regular monofocal IOLs in that it focuses at distance and near, decreasing your dependency on glasses at all distances.
2What is the difference in cost between traditional Monofocal IOLs and Multifocal IOLs?
Insurance policies vary, but Medicare, supplemental insurance, and private insurance will typically still cover the basic cataract surgery procedure with a conventional IOL. However, if you decide to have an Multifocal IOL implanted, there may be an additional cost that is not covered by insurance or Medicare. You can elect to pay the difference for the added benefits of the Multifocal IOL. You should ask someone at your doctor’s office, or your primary insurance provider, to explain your policy coverage.
3Will I still need to wear glasses if my surgeon recommends Multifocal IOLs?
The results will vary depending upon your vision, lifestyle and the anatomy of your eyes. Most people find that they need glasses to read small type or drive at night. Most people, however, can go to the store or conduct many of their day’s activities without depending on glasses. In a clinical study, 92% of those who received the technology in Multifocal IOLs “never” or only “occasionally” needed to wear glasses.